Weather System


  1. Are there any easy ways of changing the tick rate to increase the length of a day and make the sun move more smoothly?

    • Hello! Thanks for asking, I know this response is late, but your comment was flagged as spam so I didn’t receive it until now.

      You can change the time of day by going to
      ServerScriptService -> WeatherManager -> DaylightManager -> Line 112-114

  2. Hello! So I own a game and when I added the weather system I have been getting 2 complaints only.
    1st-the panel is too big (how do I move it or make it smaller)

    2cd- how do I make the weather volume less loud

  3. Hello how do you change the exposure and brightness in the “DaylightManager” script for the Weather system mod because it looks confusing, so I can decrease it in the game.

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